igbt驱动芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 7:18 39
IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor , It is composed of BJT(bipolar triode and MOS(insulated gate type field effect tube , which has the advantages of high input impedance of M...

The IGBT symbol?

IGBT(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor), It is composed of BJT(bipolar triode) and MOS(insulated gate type field effect tube), which has the advantages of high input impedance of MOSFET and low on-voltage drop of GTR. The saturation voltage of GTR is lower, the current carrying density is higher, but the driving current is larger. MOSFET drive power is small, the switching speed is fast, but the on-voltage drop is large, the current carrying density is small.

IGBT combines the advantages of the above two devices, and the driving power is small and the saturation voltage is reduced. Very suitable for DC voltage 600V and above converter system such as AC motor, inverter, switching power supply, lighting circuit, traction drive and other fields.

The symbols of the GBT tripod are: G pole (equivalent to the base of the triode), E pole (equivalent to the emitter of the ordinary triode), and C pole (the collector of the triode). Extended data

It is not difficult to find IGBTs from circuit schematics, but only if the circuit schematics we see are standardized. However, the circuit schematic symbol of IGBTs has not been unified, and even some IGBTs will borrow the symbol of BJT and VMOS(power field effect tube), which can only be judged from the model. Fortunately, we have entered the era of the Internet, from the model to the technical documentation is not difficult.