igbt驱动芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 7:18 27
The appropriate value of the IGBT drive frequency depends on a number of factors, including the characteristics of the IGBT, the requirements of the application, and the design of...

What is the appropriate igbt drive frequency?

The appropriate value of the IGBT drive frequency depends on a number of factors, including the characteristics of the IGBT, the requirements of the application, and the design of the system. Under normal circumstances, the IGBT drive frequency should be selected in the appropriate range to ensure performance and reliability.
Generally speaking, a higher drive frequency can increase the switching speed, which reduces the switching loss, but also increases the power loss. A lower drive frequency reduces power consumption, but may reduce switching speed.
When choosing the IGBT drive frequency, generally need to consider the following factors:
1. Rated switching frequency and maximum switching frequency of IGBT: IGBT has a certain switching frequency limit, exceeding this limit may lead to damage or unreliability.
2. Application requirements: Different applications have different requirements for switching speed and power consumption, and the appropriate drive frequency should be selected according to specific needs. 3. Drive power supply: The performance and capability of the drive power supply will also have an impact on the choice of drive frequency. In general, the selection of IGBT drive frequency needs to consider the characteristics of IGBT, application requirements and system design, to find a suitable balance. The common drive frequency range is generally tens of kHz to several hundred kHz.

Tens of kilohertz to 150 kilohertz is not a problem, usually in the 40 to 50 kilohertz