1, IGCT has the characteristics of large current, high blocking voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability, compact structure, low on-off loss, etc., and causes low cost, high yield, and has a good application prospect. 2, compared with IGBT, IGCT was put on the market later, the application is not as wide as IGBT, and the technology maturity should be less than IGBT. The current IGBT and IGCT open and close losses are similar, and the efficiency of the inverter is not different. The main advantage is that the voltage withstand of IGCT is currently higher than that of IGBT, and the device is reduced when applied to high voltage inverters. However, the current wind power converters are 690V, and the voltage withstand of IGBT is enough. IGBT and IGCT, which is the development direction of power electronic devices? At present, the academic community is arguing that although IGCT appeared late, at least for now, it is not clear what advantages it has over IGBT. However, it is also possible that with the development of technology, the two will go hand in hand, or both will be replaced by some new device. Corresponding to IGCT is IEGT, also known as pressure mounted IGBT (PPI). IEGT(Injection Enhanced Gate Transistor) is an IGBT series of power electronic devices with a voltage of more than 4KV. By adopting the structure of enhanced injection, the low on-state voltage is realized, and the large capacity power electronic devices have achieved rapid development. IEGT has a potential development prospect as a MOS series power electronic device, with low loss, high-speed action, high voltage, intelligent active gate drive and other characteristics, as well as the use of groove structure and multi-chip parallel and self-balancing characteristics, so it has great potential in further expanding the current capacity. In addition, many derivative products can be provided through module packaging, which is expected in large and medium capacity converter applications. IECT, developed by Toshiba in Japan, takes advantage of the \"electron injection enhancement effect\