2.4g射频芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:54 25
(1 The two RF frequencies are different. 315 radio frequency is 315 MHZ, 433 radio frequency is 433 MHZ.(2 The transmission performance of the two is different. The transmission...

Which is safe, RF 433m or 315m?

(1) The two RF frequencies are different. 315 radio frequency is 315 MHZ, 433 radio frequency is 433 MHZ.

(2) The transmission performance of the two is different. The transmission distance of 315 May be a little further than that of 433 under the same RF transceiver conditions (just like the 2.4G and 5G of wifi).

(3) They are used differently. 315 is a military frequency band, and 315 band is generally not used in daily life. 433 RF is the commercial frequency band.

The performance parameters of radio frequency are determined by many factors, can not say 315 good or 433 good, practical applications must be tested first, such as the surrounding interference sources.

Extended information:

Rfid technology can be divided into low frequency system and high frequency system according to the different frequencies used. According to whether the electronic tag is equipped with a battery to power it, it can be divided into active system and passive system two categories;

The information stored in the electronic tag can be divided into three categories: integrated circuit curing, field wired rewriting and field wireless rewriting. According to the technical means of reading the electronic tag data, it can be divided into three categories: broadcast transmission, frequency doubling and reflection modulation.

(1) The low-frequency system generally refers to its operating frequency is less than 30MHz, the typical operating frequency is: 125KHz, 225KHz, 13.56MHz, etc., these frequency applications of the radio frequency identification system generally have the corresponding international standards to support.

Its basic characteristics are the low cost of the electronic label, the amount of data stored in the label is less, the reading distance is short (passive case, the typical reading distance is 10cm), the electronic label has various shapes (card, ring, button, pen), and the reading antenna is not strong.

(2) High-frequency systems generally refer to their operating frequency greater than 400MHz, typical operating bands are: 915MHz, 2450MHz, 5800MHz and so on. High frequency systems are also supported by numerous international standards in these frequency bands.

The basic characteristics of the high-frequency system are that the cost of electronic labels and readers is high, the amount of data stored in the label is large, the reading distance is far (up to a few meters to ten meters), the performance of adapting to the high-speed movement of objects is good, the shape is generally card, and the reading antenna and the electronic label antenna have strong directivity.

(3) The active electronic tag is equipped with a battery, which generally has a far reading distance, and the deficiency is that the battery life is limited (3 to 10 years); There is no battery in the passive electronic tag, and after receiving the microwave signal from the reader (readout device), it converts part of the microwave energy into direct current for its own work, which can generally be maintenance-free.