智能语音芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:46 26
In 1999, with a strong sense of national responsibility, a group of college students founded iFlytek, and the Chinese voice industry took off In 2000, it was identified as th...

Iflytek's family history?

In 1999, with a strong sense of national responsibility, a group of college students founded iFlytek, and the Chinese voice industry took off

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  In 2000, it was identified as the industrialization base of the national 863 Plan results, and co-built a laboratory with China University of Science and Technology and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the integration strategy of core source technical resources has achieved initial results

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  In 2001, the company's intelligent voice platform development manufacturers exceeded 100, and the voice industry's national position began to emerge

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  In 2002, it was recognized by the first batch of \"Key software enterprises within the National planning layout\

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  In 2003, it was identified by the Ministry of Information Industry as the leader of the \"Chinese Voice Interaction Technology Standard Working Group\"

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  In 2004, the Chinese speech synthesis international evaluation hosted by the National 863 won the first place in all indicators, and the sales revenue exceeded the 100 million yuan mark for the first time

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  In 2005, IFLYtek Research Institute was officially established and won the China Information Industry Major Technology Invention Award

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  In 2006, IFLYtek won the first International English Composition Competition and has won seven consecutive titles

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  In 2008, iFlytek successfully went public and became the only listed enterprise in China's voice industry. First winner of the Global Speaker Recognition Contest; Construction of the voice industry base began

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  In 2010, the world's first mobile Internet intelligent voice interaction platform \"iFlytek Voice Cloud\" was released, announcing the arrival of the era of mobile Internet voice dictation; \"National Intelligent voice High-tech Industry Base\" settled in Hefei; Primary and secondary education products have benefited more than 20 million teachers and students

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  In 2011, the refinancing was successfully completed; The National Engineering Laboratory for Speech and Language Information Processing was officially approved; Implementation of employee equity incentive policy

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  In 2012, it established strategic cooperative relations with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom