Electrochemical plating removal is the use of some base metal in alkaline solution or containing chromium compounds in the anode passivation, passivation conditions or corrosion of...

The deplating principle of plate cleaning?

Electrochemical plating removal is the use of some base metal in alkaline solution or containing chromium compounds in the anode passivation, passivation conditions or corrosion of the solution to prevent the metal matrix from corrosion. Or substances such as corrosion inhibitors are added to the acidic solution so that only the coated metal is anodized and dissolved.

Generally, the plating on the hanger is removed by electrochemical method, the hanger is used as the anode, and the stainless steel plate is used as the cathode. Under certain conditions, the plating on the hanger is removed in the plating solution, and it only takes 1 to 3 minutes to remove it.