数字万用表芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:41 33
If the voltage profile of a digital multimeter is damaged, the specific method of repair may vary, depending on the cause of the damage and the specific circumstances. Here are som...

Digital multimeter voltage file is damaged how to repair?

If the voltage profile of a digital multimeter is damaged, the specific method of repair may vary, depending on the cause of the damage and the specific circumstances. Here are some possible fixes:

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1. Replace the fuse: Sometimes, the voltage file damage of the meter may be caused by a burned fuse, and only the fuse needs to be replaced at this time.

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2. Replace the capacitor or chip: If the voltage of the meter is caused by the capacitor or chip damage, it needs to be replaced to ensure the normal operation of the meter.

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3. Clean the inside of the meter: If the inside of the meter is loose or too much dirt may cause the voltage stop to fail, you can clean the inside and re-fix the components to see if the voltage stop can be repaired.

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Please note that if you are not a professional electrician, do not attempt to repair a digital multimeter yourself. It is best to give it to a professional maintenance personnel for repair.

If the current is good, the IC is not bad; Usually a series of voltage divider resistance 9M 900K 90K 9K 900 100 euro in a damaged or deranged, may also be printed board, switch damage; Check for exclusions one by one.