数字万用表芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:41 34
1. Is the multimeter burned? You can measure an ordinary battery, such as a No. 5 battery or a No. 7 battery, by using a DC voltage profile to see if it is normal.2, if the measure...

When the multimeter is turned on, it beeps and the number flashes?

1. Is the multimeter burned? You can measure an ordinary battery, such as a No. 5 battery or a No. 7 battery, by using a DC voltage profile to see if it is normal.

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2, if the measured DC voltage is normal, you can basically determine that the head part of the multimeter is no problem. It must have damaged the protective element or chip inside after mismeasuring the high power level with the buzzer!

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If it is the latter case, as long as the components of the buzzer circuit are checked, generally people with maintenance experience can be repaired, if it is the former case, it is best to repair the warranty.

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In the latter case, the key part of the inspection is the diode (to measure whether it is broken down, or open), the operation amplifier IC (as the basis for whether the buzzer peaks, the general multimeter, is to use TL062, LM358, or LM2904 and other models, with the same model, it can be replaced)