1. Find customers online.First of all, release more popular models of their own company, and the price has an advantage and spot naturally there will be traders coming to the door....

ic chip sales skills and words?

1. Find customers online.

First of all, release more popular models of their own company, and the price has an advantage and spot naturally there will be traders coming to the door.

2. Develop end customers.

This is more difficult, and now the general development terminal is better through the exhibition, if the phone is played one by one, but also around the front desk to find procurement, it is very difficult for new people.

3. Understand the market.

The price should be fast, accurate and ruthless, more on the Anxin mall to see the price, and have a good idea of the hot selling models of their own company. Last word: the development prospect is very good, as Shenzhen's largest industry.