uwb芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:20 21
Not supported. Because the specifications and technical data of AQUOS R8 Pro do not mention that it supports the UWB key function, and the UWB key technology is still relatively n...

Does the AQUOS R8 Pro support UWB keys?

Not supported.
Because the specifications and technical data of AQUOS R8 Pro do not mention that it supports the UWB key function, and the UWB key technology is still relatively new, and the phone models that support it are also relatively limited, so AQUOS R8 Pro does not support the UWB key at present.
UWB key refers to the technology that simulates and transmits key signals on smart devices through ultra-broadband technology, which can realize functions such as keyless unlocking and remote control.
With the popularity of the Internet of Things and smart home, UWB key technology is expected to be further applied to various fields, bringing users a more convenient, efficient and safe experience.

UWB keys are not supported.
Because the AQUOS R8 Pro phone does not have a UWB chip, it does not support the use of UWB keys to unlock and other operations.
UWB technology is a new, high-precision wireless communication technology, which can realize more secure and convenient data transmission and location identification, but it has not been widely used in consumer electronic products such as mobile phones.
If you need to use the UWB key, it is recommended to choose a device equipped with UWB chip or other applicable technology.