低功耗升压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:16 33
MP1484 is a constant current and constant voltage chip, as can be known from DS1804-050, MP1484 pin function consists of 4 pins, they are EN, FB, GND and VIN, respectively for enab...

mp1484 Pin function and voltage?

MP1484 is a constant current and constant voltage chip, as can be known from DS1804-050, MP1484 pin function consists of 4 pins, they are EN, FB, GND and VIN, respectively for enabling, feedback and power supply.

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EN (ENABLE) : Enable\/disable control. This pin can be enabled by effectively pulling it up through the pull-up resistor. When pulling it down, MP1484 enters low power mode, at which time MP1484 cannot work.

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GND (GROUND) : The ground port provides the fundamental index for the base circuit of MP1484 and is also the reference potential point for the entire circuit.

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VIN (INPUT VOLTAGE) : Input voltage, recommended range is 4.5V-17V, the voltage applied to the VIN pin cannot exceed 17V, it will act as the pump and amplifier and the required function of the operational voltage source.

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In addition, the MP1484 also has the characteristics of high precision, low noise, narrow aperture control output voltage, energy saving design, etc., which is widely used in battery-powered consumer electronics, analog and digital circuit power supply voltage regulation field.

The MP1484 pin function covers Input, Output, GND, FB, SW.
Where, Input is the input power pin, Output is the output power pin, GND is the ground pin, FB is the feedback pin, and the output voltage can be set, SW is the switch tube control pin, which is mainly used to control the switching state of the switch tube.
According to the specifications of MP1484, the operating voltage range is 4.75V to 40V, the output voltage range is 0.8V to 37V, the current is 3A, and the internal buck element switching frequency is 0.65MHz, which can support both constant voltage and constant current operating modes.
In addition, the MP1484 also has overheat protection, overcurrent protection and short circuit protection.
Therefore, the MP1484 pin function and voltage are well suited for use in DC-DC step-down power supplies.

The mp1484 pin functions are as follows: 1. VIN: input voltage, the recommended input voltage range is 4.5V-28V2. GND: ground 3.EN: Enable pin, high level makes the chip work, low level chip stops working 4.FB: feedback pin, used to control the output voltage 5.SW: The switch output pin, connecting the inductor and diode mp1484, operates at 4.5V-28V, but it is recommended that the input voltage range is 5V-22V and the output voltage range is 0.8V to short circuit (output current does not exceed 3A), with overtemperature protection and overcurrent protection.
Using mp1484 can easily achieve boost or buck effect, but also can be widely used in LED constant current drive, constant voltage steady current power supply and other fields.