芯片公司起名ichaiyang 2024-05-10 6:06 28
In RG-S1824RG is Rui JieS is short for swicth exchange18 is series24 indicates 24 portsS2950-24XX (C - erule1, the first two digits, the above (29 represents the series of the pr...

What is the naming rule of Ruijie network equipment?

In RG-S1824

RG is Rui Jie

S is short for swicth exchange

18 is series

24 indicates 24 ports

S2950-24XX (C) - e


1, the first two digits, the above (29) represents the series of the product, which can be divided into 100 Mbit access, 100 Mbit aggregation, gigabit access, and gigabit aggregation.

For example, S2328G (100 megabit products),S2628G-E (100 megabit products), S2928G-E (our gigabit products)

The first two numbers are different, usually the larger the number of products about high-end, 3X represents 3 layer products, 2X usually represents 2 layer switches, 5X is our more high-end series than 3x.

2, the last two numbers (50) represent the chip scheme, usually representing the maximum number of ports available, or may only be used as a series distinction.

3, -24 represents the fixed number of ports, XX: indicates the photoelectric priority, SFP indicates light, GT\/FT indicates electricity, if a device has a non-multiplexed photoelectric port, optical port priority, such as 24SFP\/12GT way.

Rule 2 and Rule 3 are usually used with some variation and are not necessarily strictly followed.

For example, the S5750-24GT\/8SFP-E has a 10-gigabit expansion port but is not named, and only has a fixed number of ports.

S2628G-E has 24 fixed 100 Mbit ports, 2 multiplexed gigabit optical ports and electrical ports, and a maximum expansion of 2 gigabit electrical ports, so the scheme of Rule 2 is selected, named 28G.

C is usually optional to distinguish between 100 gigabit\/Gigabit \/ 10 gigabit series products, such as 2924G, 2927XG.

4, -E, different letters represent different functions, performance levels. -S is the basic type, -E is the enhanced type, -P is the poe function (if the enhanced POE, then EP), -I is the intelligent type, and -L represents the low-end simple match type.

The above naming is a general rule, and sometimes there will be some changes in the command rules due to product competition considerations (for example, the name is similar to the name of the friend), and the smooth transition of the new and old products (for example, S2928G-E and S2924G).


1. The first two digits, the above (29) represents the series of the product, which can be divided by 100 Mbit access, 100 Mbit aggregation, gigabit access, and gigabit aggregation.

2. The last two numbers (50) represent the chip scheme, usually representing the maximum number of ports available, or may only be used as a series distinction.

3.-24 represents the fixed number of ports, XX: indicates the photoelectric priority, SFP indicates light, GT\/FT indicates electricity, if there are non-multiplexed photoelectric ports in a device, the optical port is preferred, such as 24SFP\/12GT. Rule 2 and Rule 3 are usually used with some variation and are not necessarily strictly followed.

4.-E, different letters represent different functions and performance levels. -S is the basic type, -E is the enhanced type, -P is the poe function (if the enhanced POE, then EP), -I is the intelligent type, and -L represents the low-end simple match type.