气压传感器芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:53 33
A tire pressure sensor is a device mounted on the wheel to detect and monitor the tire pressure of the vehicle tire. If the tire pressure sensor fails frequently, it may be caused...

Tire pressure sensors often fail what is going on?

A tire pressure sensor is a device mounted on the wheel to detect and monitor the tire pressure of the vehicle tire. If the tire pressure sensor fails frequently, it may be caused by several factors:

1. Insufficient battery power: The tire pressure sensor needs to use battery power, if the battery power is insufficient, it will cause the sensor to fail. In general, the battery life of the tire pressure sensor is 5-7 years, and the battery needs to be replaced regularly during use.

2. Sensor damage: The tire pressure sensor is installed on the wheel, which is easily affected by road bumps, collisions and other factors, resulting in sensor damage. If the sensor is damaged, it needs to be replaced with a new sensor.

3. Weather factors: The tire pressure sensor uses wireless signal transmission technology, which may affect the signal transmission effect of the sensor in bad weather conditions, such as lightning, rainstorm and so on, resulting in the failure of the sensor.

4. Tire replacement: If you replace a new tire or adjust the position of the tire, it may cause the sensor to fail. Therefore, the vehicle needs to be recalibrated after changing the tire or adjusting the position of the tire.

5. Environmental interference: The wireless signal used by the tire pressure sensor is susceptible to the influence of the external environment, such as electromagnetic interference, wireless signal interference, etc. These interference factors will also affect the working effect of the sensor.

Maintenance of the tire pressure sensor requires regular inspection and maintenance, such as replacing the battery, checking the working status of the sensor, and regular calibration to ensure the stability and reliability of the sensor.