气压传感器芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:52 32
If the tire pressure sensor is broken, the tire pressure monitoring will lose its effect, and when the tire pressure is abnormal, it can not be timely fed back to the driver, and t...

What are the effects of a broken tire pressure sensor?

If the tire pressure sensor is broken, the tire pressure monitoring will lose its effect, and when the tire pressure is abnormal, it can not be timely fed back to the driver, and there will be uncertain factors when driving. Driving in this case, the existing safety risks are still very big. The normal operation of the tire sensor can ensure that the tire pressure monitoring can work smoothly.

If the tire pressure is insufficient or there is air leakage, the sensor senses the anomaly, and the tire problem will be timely feedback to the driver, so that the driver can deal with it in time. Tire sensors are generally divided into direct and indirect, indirect sensors than the direct sensor price is lower, but the direct sensor accuracy is higher. If conditions permit, it is recommended that the owner choose to install a direct tire sensor, which is safer.