气压传感器芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:52 14
Tire pressure sensor often fails for many reasons, need to be repaired and eliminated, tire pressure monitoring system is used to remind the driver tire pressure or system itself f...

Failed left rear tire pressure sensor on Gillie Bin Rui?

Tire pressure sensor often fails for many reasons, need to be repaired and eliminated, tire pressure monitoring system is used to remind the driver tire pressure or system itself failure, maintenance specific operations are as follows:

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1. Check the tire monitoring system (warning light flashes and keeps on) When the system fails, the tire pressure warning light will flash for about 1min, and DIC displays \"Please check the tire pressure monitoring system\". If one or more tire pressure sensors do not send any signal within a certain period of time, the tire pressure monitoring system will set a fault code, display this information and make the warning light blink for about 1min, and the light will remain on for the rest of the ignition cycle. If the system failure is intermittent, the alarm message\/warning light may also be intermittent, turning on in some ignition cycles and off in others. At this time, use the diagnostic tool to check the vehicle, and repair according to the fault code prompt;

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2, tire pressure is too low or too high warning, if the tire pressure monitoring system detects that a tire pressure is lower than the calibration value, DIC displays \"XX tire pressure\" or \"XX tire pressure high\" information, tire pressure warning light will be lit and kept steady. Alarm messages and warning lights may themselves work intermittently, especially in cold weather;

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3. When the above situation occurs, it is necessary to check or replace the relevant parts (if the tire or tire pressure sensor is replaced, it is necessary to re-read the tire pressure sensor) and adjust the tire pressure to 240kPa.