气压传感器芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:52 33
The inspection method of the air pressure sensor depends on the specific sensor type and the use environment, but it can generally be checked by the following steps: The quality of...

How to check the air pressure sensor?

The inspection method of the air pressure sensor depends on the specific sensor type and the use environment, but it can generally be checked by the following steps: The quality of the air pressure sensor can be determined by inspection.
The air pressure sensor may be affected by vibration, temperature change and other factors during operation, resulting in poor accuracy or failure.
Therefore, regular checks are required to ensure that it is working properly.
The specific inspection method can be determined according to the sensor model and use requirements.
General methods include: use a multimeter or oscilloscope and other tools to check whether the waveform and amplitude of the output signal is normal; Calibrate the sensor device under standard air pressure; Check whether the connection line of the sensor is stable.
Attention should be paid to safety during inspection to avoid additional damage to the sensor.

The air pressure sensor can be checked by the following three aspects.
1. Check the voltage output.
Use a multimeter to measure the voltage output of the sensor.
If the voltage output is not within the specified range, there may be a fault.
2. Check the signal quality.
Use an oscilloscope to check the waveform of the output signal of the pressure sensor.
If the signal waveform is not within the specified range, there may be a fault.
3. Check the sensor.
Remove the air pressure sensor and check whether the internal components of the sensor are damaged or corroded.
If the component is heavily corroded or damaged, the air pressure sensor needs to be replaced.
Summary: The quality of a pressure sensor can be determined by measuring the voltage output, checking the signal quality, and checking the sensor itself.
If there is a fault, the sensor needs to be repaired or replaced.

1, appearance discrimination, according to the field inspection for some of the appearance inspection can be judged by the fault information, if the obvious appearance damage, you can judge the device damage.

2, the relevant electrical characteristics test, in order to further determine the fault type, test output low voltage, no voltage output, for example, when the system pressure is normal, when there is input voltage, no output voltage, the device is damaged.

3, measure the correct output voltage under different pressures, adjust the pressure sensor according to the requirements of the drawing

  The input DC voltage, when the pressure changes, observe the multimeter

  Whether there is a numerical display (generally for high pressure pressure sensor 0Mpa output voltage is about 0.9V, low voltage about 0.5V). If no value is displayed, it is damaged.