电机控制芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:42 37
The driver chip mainly has a driving role, which amplifies the input weak current signal into a strong enough signal for external devices. The ampere-level drive current is general...

Why drive a motor with a motor driver chip?

The driver chip mainly has a driving role, which amplifies the input weak current signal into a strong enough signal for external devices. The ampere-level drive current is generally used to drive motors or power electronic devices, etc., and specific chips may be selected according to the specific use of the user's product, such as voltage resistance, steady state\/transient performance and so on.

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The motor driver chip is characterized by the use of standard TTL logic level signal control, and has two enable control terminals, which can allow or disable the device without being affected by the input signal, in addition to a logic power input terminal, which can make the internal logic circuit part work under low voltage; The external detection resistor feeds back the change to the control circuit.