玩具语音芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:35 35
1, speech, cultural toys: toys that can make children more sensitive to hearing, learn new word groups, promote language expression and organization skills, preschool practice, suc...

What benefits can dolls bring to children?

1, speech, cultural toys: toys that can make children more sensitive to hearing, learn new word groups, promote language expression and organization skills, preschool practice, such as story tapes, story cards, and drawing boards to encourage painting.

2. Scientific toys: scientific toys that can attract children to observe, compare, collect and analyze.

In addition to causing children's fanatical curiosity, it can also let them develop a variety of things to observe, analyze, collect information, do it, and seek truth from facts, such as the emblem mirror, kaleidoscope, various specimens.

3, action toys: These toys can exercise the child's big muscles and the coordination of various parts of the body, such as baby crawling toys, all kinds of carts, carts, bicycles that can be ridden, throwing darts and so on.

4, operation toys: This kind of toys make the small muscles of the child's fingers more flexible, promote the coordination of the eyes and hands of the toys, such as cat soil, threading, beading, stacking combination blocks, etc.

5, art toys: can cultivate creativity and the ability to read, write and find the good things in life.

6, social toys: including dolls, stuffed toys, etc., as well as toys designed to live around the situation, such as supermarkets, airports play toys, so that children can experience the adult life world in the expression of emotions, while knowing the environment around them and absorbing relevant life experience. Second, according to the age of the child classification 0-1 years old: audio-visual touch toys - the newborn baby in the physical and psychological development speed is very fast, the function of the body and nervous system rapid development, vision, hearing gradually improve.

At this time, children are more sensitive to some visual color shaking and auditory sounds, so they can choose some shaking and sound toys.

Don't think that hanging the turntable toy in the stroller is just a decorative role, through the swing of the toy, can attract the child's attention.

In addition, through the traditional sound and shaking toys such as tambourines, children can be attracted to practice turning, crawling, standing and even walking, and promote the growth of thinking.

1-2 years old: push and pull, ball toys, building blocks toys - children at this stage begin to learn to walk independently, the guiding role of tambola toys is not enough, but also add some push and pull, ball toys to help children maintain balance in the process of independent walking, in addition, but also to meet the needs of children climbing, throwing, jumping and so on.

In addition, building blocks can promote children's cognition of shape and color, and carry out initial intellectual enlightenment for children.

1-2 years old children in the stage of learning language, vocal toys can choose to have sounds, words or simple melody of the song, of course, the best language enlightenment or from the parents, so that children gradually master the language communication ability in the imitation of learning.

2-4 years old: shaking, balancing toys, colorful toys - 2-4 years old children are more sensitive to the visual senses, different color stimulation can promote the formation of children's imagination and creativity, so the toys at this stage should also be colorful.

In addition, there are not many toy styles and shapes, and children can feel different changes in the touch when they touch, enhancing the overall development of the child's brain.

In addition, the language understanding ability is further upgraded, at this time you can appropriately buy some bright colors, simple shapes, larger pictures of the word toys, or word dice, so that children slowly familiar with the text environment.

Rocking toys such as wooden horses and swings are always children's favorites, in addition to bringing children happy time, they can also cultivate children's balance, physical coordination and problem-solving ability.

4-6 years old: plush toys, models, play house toys - with the child's ability to walk independently and master the initial language ability, the child's thinking ability is also gradually cultivated.

Children always like to imitate adults, through the imitation of the object of learning, gradually form their own conscious judgment and character ability.

At this stage, many children like to play house, such as plush toys, Barbie dolls, etc., which are often regarded as being in the house. A child. While the child plays the role of \"#34; Adults " The characters, and through some toy kitchen, furniture models, car models, etc., set their own SIMS.

By providing children with toys in this regard, they can cultivate children's independence and social skills, and accelerate the establishment and formation of children's emotional intelligence. 1, children's toys can mobilize the enthusiasm of children's activities: children's physical and mental development is achieved in the activity.

Toys can be freely fiddled, manipulated and used for children, in line with children's psychological preferences and ability levels.

It can meet the needs of their activities and improve their enthusiasm.

For example, \"shake the horse\" toys, children will naturally ride, swing back and forth, both to meet the requirements of their activities, but also make them have a positive and pleasant mood, so long play. Another example is \"doll\" toys, can cause children to do a variety of activities, children of all ages according to their own life experience, with dolls to play, can be simple to complex, varied. 2. Children's toys can enhance perceptual understanding: toys have the characteristics of intuitive images, and children can touch, hold, listen, blow, see, etc., which is conducive to the training of various senses. Such as color tower, blow molded toys, various dolls and toy animals are conducive to visual training; Eight-tone bear, small piano, tambourine, small horn can train hearing; Building blocks, plastic sheets and structural models can develop spatial perception. A variety of puzzles, Mosaic toys, soft plastic toys, etc., can exercise touch feeling; Pulling duck carts, wheelbarrows, tricycles, two-wheelers and so on contribute to the development of athletic ability. Toys not only enrich children's perceptual knowledge while developing sensory and motor abilities, but also help consolidate the impression that children get in life. When children fail to have extensive contact with real life, they understand the world through toys. 3, children's toys can cause children's associative activities: such as hospital toys, dolls home toys can cause children to the hospital and family association, can promote children to carry out creative role play; Some toys of labor tools can cause children to plant trees, dig rivers, construction and other simulated labor. Some toys are specially used for thinking training, such as a variety of chess games, a variety of intellectual toys, etc., can improve children's analysis, synthesis, comparison, judgment, reasoning and other abilities, and cultivate the depth of thinking, flexibility and agility. 4, to encourage children to actively engage in thinking, imagination and other activities, and through other activities of the hand or body: such as playing \"plastic\" toys, children to conceive, to conceive, to achieve the established purpose and choose materials; When you assemble, you need both hands and brains. Children will encounter some difficulties when using toys, these difficulties require them to rely on their own strength to overcome, and insist on completing the task, thus cultivating the good quality of overcoming difficulties and striving. 5, help to cultivate the collective concept and spirit of cooperation: some toys are required to be used by children. Such as \"telephone\" toys, there should be two sides of the call, and even a pager, can help children learn about life experiences, practice and peer cooperation. Another example is the \"long rope\" toy, which itself requires many children to use collectively, and children coordinate each other's actions in the long rope jumping game, which enhances the collective concept. 1, the use of toy games is not just to play, but a good form of education for children. 2, the use of toys and games can cultivate good character of infants and young children, is an effective means of ideological and moral education for children. 3. The use of toys and games can carry out aesthetic education for children. First, choose toys suitable for children: the selection of toys should be suitable for the needs of children of different ages, suitable for the age characteristics of children's psychological and physiological development. For example, before the child is 1 year old, the sensory organs and the activity ability are relatively weak, therefore, the toys purchased at this stage should be mainly to help strengthen the visual and auditory ability of the child to color, distance, sound, etc., such as colored balloons, small bell and so on. Second, the choice of toys must pay attention to safety and hygiene: the toys bought should be non-toxic and sterile, easy to clean; The edges of the toy should be neat and soft, without hard sharp corners. For young children, do not give them to play with glass balls, plastic balls and other small toys, so as not to accidentally occur in the population. Some toys speed too fast, or easily hurt others, should be paid attention to when buying and using. Third, to avoid one-sided pursuit of gentrification, toys are not the more upscale the better: in fact, many high-end electronic toys, because of their \"automation\" degree is too high. Children often become the general audience, so that their ability to use the brain is not cultivated; At the same time, the function of high-end toys is too simple, easy to restrict the child's imagination. For older children, you can buy more toys that are conducive to the development of intelligence. In short, toys are the best tool to develop children's intelligence, and choosing the right toys for children of different ages not only makes children's life full of happiness. What is more important is to develop the child's intelligence.