belong toThe digital economy includes many industries, including communication industry chain, computer basic technology industry chain, software industry chain, Internet industry...

Are semiconductor chips part of the digital economy?

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The digital economy includes many industries, including communication industry chain, computer basic technology industry chain, software industry chain, Internet industry chain and e-commerce industry chain. ,

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The 4G5G base stations, office terminals, broadband, and smart phones we see are all communication industry chains.

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We see chips, integrated circuits, batteries, screens, memory, and storage are all basic computer technology industry chains.

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We see operating systems, databases, middleware, personal software, office software, enterprise software, security are all software industry chains.

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The four major technologies we see, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, sensors, and the Internet of Things, are not only basic computer technologies, but also integrated soft and hard industry chains.

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We see Internet news, online literature, games, live broadcasts, videos, digital music, online communities, content search (including map navigation), are the Internet industry chain.

Belong to the digital economy

Semiconductor chips are the core of a new generation of information technology, the cornerstone of the modern digital economy, and the key building block to seize the opportunities of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, which is critical to long-term economic growth, new job creation, and national security. Since the 1950s, the semiconductor chip industry has always been at the forefront of global scientific and technological innovation, and is one of the main targets for the world's major economies to compete and compete.

belong to

The industries of Hangzhou's digital economy include :5G base stations, intelligent terminals, broadband and other communication industries; Basic computer technologies such as semiconductor chips, high-end integrated circuit design and manufacturing, and batteries; Operating system, database, middleware and other software industry; Cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other hardware and software integration industries; As well as online literature, live broadcasting, games and other Internet industries.