低功耗电源芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 5:23 24
The QW3862 is a low energy Bluetooth 5.0 SoC chip for IoT devices and wireless sensor networking applications. It has the following pin functions:VDD: The chip's power pin, connect...

qw3862 chip pin function?

The QW3862 is a low energy Bluetooth 5.0 SoC chip for IoT devices and wireless sensor networking applications. It has the following pin functions:

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VDD: The chip's power pin, connected to a 3.0V to 3.6V power supply.

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GND: Ground pin of the chip.

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P0_0 to P0_31: GPIO pins that can be used to connect peripherals or controllers.

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P1_0 to P1_31: GPIO pins that can be used to connect peripherals or controllers.

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UART_TXD: UART transfer pin for serial data transfer.

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UART_RXD: UART receive pin for receiving serial data.

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SPI_CS_N: SPI chip selector pin, used to select the chip for data transmission.

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SPI_SCK: SPI clock pin for timing control.

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SPI_MOSI: SPI main device output input pin from the device for sending data.

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SPI_MISO: SPI main device input and secondary device output pin for receiving data.

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I2C_SCL: I2C clock pin for timing control.

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I2C_SDA: I2C data pin for data transfer.

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ADC_IN: Analog input pin used to measure analog voltage.

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RESET_N: Reset pin, used to reset the chip.

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These are some of the main pin functions of the QW3862 chip, which can be used to implement a variety of different hardware and software functions. For details, see the data manual of the chip.