Youan New Material (600206 company is the leading enterprise of ultra-high purity metal wheel materials for integrated circuits in China. The future production capacity of wheel m...

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Youan New Material (600206) company is the leading enterprise of ultra-high purity metal wheel materials for integrated circuits in China. The future production capacity of wheel materials continues to increase from 20,000 pieces in 2021 to 73,000 pieces in 2025, and the structure continues to optimize, and the proportion of wheel materials such as copper, drill and nickel with high technical wall cushion and strong profitability improves the company's coverage of the upstream link of the material industry chain. Break the metal purification technology.

The core business is ultra-high purity metal bar materials for integrated circuits, which is in a leading position in China. It has realized vertical integration of copper series shoe materials and drill bar materials, and has maintained stable batch supply in important downstream customers, and its leading position is stable. By the end of 2021, the company has a production capacity of 20,000 pieces of raw materials. In the future, with the production expansion project of shoe materials with research of 100 million gold, the company will achieve a production capacity of 73,000 pieces of crispy materials per year by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of 33.28%.