Mostly used for Bluetooth.The HS6621 chip is a full-featured BLE5.0 SoC chip that leads the industry in power consumption, performance, and more.Compared with similar products in t...

What processor is hs6621?

Mostly used for Bluetooth.

The HS6621 chip is a full-featured BLE5.0 SoC chip that leads the industry in power consumption, performance, and more.

Compared with similar products in the market, HS6621 chip has the advantages of fast main frequency (128MHz), rich resources (256KBRAM), low power consumption (Sleep current is 4uA, the peak transceiver current is 6mA and 5.5mA respectively) and fast interface read and write speed (can be connected to high-resolution TFT screen). At the same time, the product integrates DCDC BUCK converter, internal RC clock circuit, Audio ADC, lithium battery charging function, capacitive touch controller, PPG heart rate monitoring control circuit, and a variety of rich external interfaces, widely suitable for a variety of Bluetooth applications.