Lithium battery protection board p p- refers to the positive and negative connection mode in the lithium battery protection chip. Specifically, p is positive and p- is negative....

Lithium battery protection board p p- What does that mean?

Lithium battery protection board p p- refers to the positive and negative connection mode in the lithium battery protection chip.
Specifically, p is positive and p- is negative.
In lithium batteries, if there is no protection board, there may be overcharge, overdischarge, short circuit and other problems, and may even cause the battery to explode. The lithium battery protection board is a small circuit board designed to prevent these problems.
The function of the protection board is to cut off the battery circuit when the battery voltage reaches the specified value to avoid overcharging; When the battery discharge to a certain extent, cut off the circuit to avoid overdischarge; At the same time, it can prevent the occurrence of short circuit and other problems.
Therefore, p p- is the connection between the positive and negative electrodes in the protection plate, which can make the protection plate to ensure the safe operation of the lithium battery.

Lithium battery protection board p p- indicates the positive and negative connection ports of the lithium battery protection circuit board.
Due to the high operating voltage of lithium batteries, in order to avoid safety problems such as overcharge, overdischarge, and short circuit, it is necessary to use a protection circuit to protect lithium batteries.
The protection circuit board is an electronic device installed on the lithium battery, where p and p- are respectively the positive and negative connection ports of the protection circuit board.
The protection circuit board can also realize the functions of battery charging and discharging and temperature monitoring, which has great application value.

Back lithium battery protection board p p- refers to the two polar ports of the lithium battery, P represents the positive port, P- represents the negative port, and the protection board refers to a device used to protect the lithium battery.
Specifically, the protection board can realize the charge and discharge control and short circuit protection of the battery by monitoring the voltage and current and other parameters of the battery. This can effectively prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations such as overcharge, overdischarge and short circuit of the battery, so as to extend the service life of the battery and improve its safety performance.
It should be noted that different models of lithium battery protection boards may differ, and should be carefully selected when using.

The P and P- in the lithium battery protection board represent the positive and negative terminals, corresponding to the positive and negative terminals of the lithium battery respectively.  

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The protection board is a circuit board used for lithium battery management to ensure the safety and stability of the battery during charging and discharging. Where, \"P\" indicates the connection to the positive terminal of the battery, \"P-\" indicates the connection to the negative terminal of the battery.

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When using lithium batteries, in order to avoid battery overcharge, overdischarge, short circuit and other problems, it is necessary to use a protection board to monitor and control battery voltage, current and other parameters, so as to ensure the safety and life of the battery.

The P and P of the lithium battery protection board refers to the pins of the positive and negative electrodes of the lithium battery on the protection board. When assembling a battery circuit using a lithium battery, it is necessary to connect the positive electrode of the battery to the P pin and the negative electrode to the P- pin to ensure that the circuit between the positive and negative electrodes is correctly connected. The P and P- pins are also the connection ports for charging and discharging the battery.