bga芯片焊接ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:55 23
BGA hole rate standard refers to the reasonable range of hole rate between BGA pin and pad in BGA welding process. Hole rate refers to the percentage of space between the BGA pad a...

bga Hole rate standard?

BGA hole rate standard refers to the reasonable range of hole rate between BGA pin and pad in BGA welding process. Hole rate refers to the percentage of space between the BGA pad and the pin that is observed through an optical microscope.
It is generally believed that the BGA hole rate standard should be between 1% and 3%. In other words, in the BGA welding process, the proportion of holes between the pin and the pad should not exceed 3%. If the hole rate exceeds 3%, it may cause the welding to be weak, which will affect the reliable connection of the BGA pin.
However, the specific BGA hole rate standard is also affected by different industries, different product requirements and manufacturer regulations. Some industries or products may have more stringent requirements for the hole rate and need to be controlled within a lower range, such as less than 1%. Therefore, in practical application, it is necessary to determine the appropriate BGA hole rate standard according to the specific situation.

The BGA (Ball Grid Array) hole rate standard refers to the proportion of holes between the ball and pad in the total area of the pad in a BGA package. Generally, the BGA standard is between 10% and 30%. Lower hole rates can provide better welding reliability and electrical performance, but may increase the difficulty and cost of welding. Higher hole rate can improve the fault tolerance of welding, but may reduce the reliability of welding. Therefore, the selection of an appropriate BGA hole rate standard requires a comprehensive consideration of welding requirements, design constraints, and cost-effectiveness.