大功率稳压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:50 23
In general, the functions of each pin of the 5-pin voltage regulator chip are as follows:1. VIN: VIN is the input end of the chip, connected to the input power supply, generally DC...

5-pin voltage regulator chip pin function?

In general, the functions of each pin of the 5-pin voltage regulator chip are as follows:

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1. VIN: VIN is the input end of the chip, connected to the input power supply, generally DC voltage. The potential of the pin determines the stability and voltage value of the chip output voltage.

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2. GND: GND is the ground end of the chip that connects to the ground cable or ground cable of the power supply. The potential of this pin is always zero, providing a reference potential for the circuit of the entire chip.

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3. VOUT: VOUT is the output end of the chip, connected to the load. The stable voltage output of the pin is related to the VIN and the external circuit, which is generally adjusted by the external circuit.

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4. ADJ: ADJ is the adjustment end of the chip, connected to the adjustment potentiometer or resistor. This pin can adjust the output voltage value. If ADJ is not used, you need to connect this pin to the GND end.

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5. NC: NC is an unconnected foot and does not need to be connected to other circuits. This pin is usually used for curing packages and does not have any function.

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It is important to note that the specific functions of the pins of different models of 5-pin regulator chips may vary, and it is recommended to consult the data manual of the chip for accurate pin information and functions.