大功率稳压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:49 29
: Step-down voltage regulator chip is a power management chip used in electronic devices, the main role is to reduce the input voltage or stabilize the output voltage. Common step-...

What are the step-down voltage regulator chips?

: Step-down voltage regulator chip is a power management chip used in electronic devices, the main role is to reduce the input voltage or stabilize the output voltage. Common step-down regulator chips include linear regulators, switching regulators, step-down converters and integrated regulators.

Linear regulator is easy to use, but low efficiency, suitable for low power equipment; Switching regulator has high efficiency, but loud noise, suitable for high-power equipment; Buck converter for high power and high efficiency applications; The integrated regulator combines buck and regulator functions and has a variety of functions for a variety of application scenarios. The above are common types of step-down voltage regulator chips.