5v功放芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:47 20
TDA2614 is an audio amplifier integrated circuit with dual channel function. Pin function and voltage are as follows: 1. Pin 1 (MUTE : used to control the mute function. The high...

tda2614 Pin function Voltage?

TDA2614 is an audio amplifier integrated circuit with dual channel function. Pin function and voltage are as follows:
1. Pin 1 (MUTE) : used to control the mute function. The high level indicates the mute state, and the low level indicates the working state.
Voltage: 5V (high), 0V (low)
2. Pin 2 (RIGHT) : right channel audio input.
Voltage: Usually maintained between 0V and Vcc.
3. Pin 3 (GROUND) : ground terminal, connecting the ground wire of the circuit.
4. Pin 4 (LEFT) : left channel audio input.
Voltage: Usually maintained between 0V and Vcc.
5. Pin 5 (DC-BIAS) : The DC biased output is used to plug into the speaker.
6. Pin 6 (SUPPLY) : positive power supply.
Voltage: Usually Vcc (positive supply voltage).
7. Pin 7 (SUPPLY) : negative power supply.
Voltage: Usually -Vcc (negative supply voltage).
8. Pin 8 (BYPASS) : The bypass pin is used to connect the external filter capacitor.
Voltage: 0V.
Please note that the above voltage values are common operating voltages, and you can refer to the data manual of TDA2614 for more detailed and accurate information.

TDA2614 is a dual-channel audio power amplifier chip. The chip has five pins with the following functions and voltages:
1. Audio Input 1 (IN1) : The input pin that receives the audio signal, with a voltage range between 0V and Vcc (generally 5V to 15V).
2. Audio Input 2 (IN2) : The input pin that receives the audio signal, and the voltage range is between 0V and Vcc.
3. Ground (GND) : Ground pin, usually 0V.
4. Power supply positive (Vcc) : The positive power supply pin provides the positive voltage required for the chip to work. The voltage range is generally 5V to 15V.
5. Output (OUT) : audio output pin to provide amplified audio signal output. The output voltage range depends on the supply voltage and load impedance.
It should be noted that the specific voltage should be determined according to the actual application circuit design, and the detailed design can be carried out according to the data manual and application guide of the chip.

Please enter your answer... TDA2614 Each pin voltage function 1 pin: 10V -- signal input 1
2 pin: 5V -- quiet noise (low current calm noise)
3 pin: 10V -- 1\/2 reference voltage
4 pin: 10V -- Signal output 1
5 pin: 0V -- ground
6 pin: 10V -- Signal output 2
7 pin: 20V -- Power supply
Pin 8:10V -- negative input
Pin 9:10V -- signal input 2