触控芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:35 30
In 2021, the penetration rate of smart machines equipped with side fingerprint recognition technology in the Chinese market increased by 16 percentage points year-on-year to 38% in...

Fingerprint recognition chip market share in 2021?

In 2021, the penetration rate of smart machines equipped with side fingerprint recognition technology in the Chinese market increased by 16 percentage points year-on-year to 38% in the second quarter, exceeding the market share of smart machines equipped with fingerprint recognition under the screen for the first time in the same period, and gradually replacing the market share of post-fingerprint recognition. However, even in this case, the Swedish FPC company still ranks first in the \"2021 smart door lock fingerprint chip TOP10\" list, while Chinese local companies such as Huidin Technology are also struggling to catch up. Although the performance of Huidin Technology is not ideal in recent years, its continuous research and development and innovation ability and domestic first-class analog IC chip design strength cannot be ignored.

Therefore, although the Swedish FPC company still has a place in the fingerprint identification chip market, the future market competition situation may change because of the rise of Chinese enterprises.

According to the data analysis of the 2021 annual report, Huiting Innovation Technology's main business income was 5.713 billion RMB, down 14.52% year-on-year. Among them, the fingerprint verification solution processing chip accounted for 63.52% of the main business income, and the main business income reached 3.629 billion RMB, which decreased the market share by 12.08% compared with the same period last year. Its fingerprint recognition market accounted for about 8.2% of the market size.

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Please note that the above data is for specific companies or specific markets, and market share can change over time, the competitive landscape, and industry trends. Therefore, to obtain the latest and most accurate market share data, it is recommended to consult the relevant market research reports or industry data statistics.

Now in addition to Apple, the average brand of mobile phones are fingerprint identification, estimated at least 40%