The coil leads of the brushless motor have 3, and the Hall leads have 5, and the 8 leads must correspond to the corresponding leads of the controller one by one, otherwise the moto...


The coil leads of the brushless motor have 3, and the Hall leads have 5, and the 8 leads must correspond to the corresponding leads of the controller one by one, otherwise the motor cannot rotate normally.

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Generally speaking, the brushless motor with 60° and 120° phase Angle needs to be driven by the brushless motor controller with the corresponding 60° and 120° phase Angle, and the controllers of the two phase angles cannot be directly interchanged. There are two kinds of correct wiring for the 8 wires connected to the 60° phase Angle controller, one is forward and one is reversed.

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Because for a brushless motor with a phase Angle of 120°, by adjusting the phase sequence of the coil leads and the phase sequence of the Hall leads, the correct wiring of the 8 wires connected to the motor and the controller can be 6 kinds, of which 3 are connected to the motor and the other 3 are connected to the motor.

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If the brushless motor is reversed, it indicates that the phase Angle of the brushless controller and the brushless motor is matched, and we can adjust the steering of the motor in this way: the brushless motor and the Hall lead of the brushless controller are exchanged A and C wires; At the same time, the brushless motor and the brushless controller of the main phase line A, B switch wiring. There are three kinds of electric bicycles. 1, DC wheel motor, namely brush motor, two lead lines, external PWM controller. 2, AC hub motor, with Hall and without hall sensing, more than three leads, external variable frequency controller. 3, DC brushless hub motor, including electronic commutator, two lead lines. External PWM controller. Be sure not to be confused.