芯片图片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:23 21
The answer is as follows: Chip multiple exposure is an image processing technique that improves the dynamic range and detail of an image by exposing it multiple times in the same l...

Chip multiple exposure principle?

The answer is as follows: Chip multiple exposure is an image processing technique that improves the dynamic range and detail of an image by exposing it multiple times in the same location. It works as follows:

1. Exposure time control: Multiple exposure requires multiple exposures in the same position, so it is necessary to control the exposure time. Usually, the first exposure time is longer, and the subsequent exposure time is gradually reduced.

2. Exposure merge: Each exposure produces an image that needs to be merged. The usual method is to add the exposure values of each pixel to get the final pixel value. This preserves detail and brightness information from each exposure.

3. Dynamic range enhancement: Since multiple exposures can capture brightness information under different exposure conditions, the dynamic range of the image can be expanded. More detail can be extracted from a longer exposure in the dark, while more brightness information can be retained in a shorter exposure in the light.

4. Remove motion blur: In multiple exposures, motion blur is easy to occur due to long exposure time. To reduce blurring effects, it is common to align images with multiple exposures and then reduce blurring by merging exposures.

In general, the chip multiple exposure utilizes the image information of multiple exposures to improve the dynamic range and detail of the image through the methods of exposure time control, exposure quantity combination, dynamic range enhancement and motion blur removal.