The state attaches great importance to the aero engine industry, and it is expected that the scale of investment will increase significantly: the aero engine project, known as the...

What are the aero engine concept stocks?

The state attaches great importance to the aero engine industry, and it is expected that the scale of investment will increase significantly: the aero engine project, known as the \"heart of China\

Engine stocks will become the main beneficiaries; It is recommended to focus on Chengfa Technology, AVIC Power, AVIC Dynamic control, and Haite High-tech.

Chengfa Technology:

(1) Key engines are expected to be mass-produced, which will drive the rapid development of the company's performance;

(2) There is a high probability of completing the national project of a new model, and it is expected to obtain a huge amount of technical reform costs, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises;

(3) The company is an important research and development unit in the field of aviation engines in China, and it is more likely to obtain special fund support for engines, and the relative benefit flexibility is greater;

(4) The company is the first enterprise to achieve professional integration of engine technology in AVIC. It has long focused on improving the technical strength of engine blades, casing, bearings, sheet metal and other important engine components, and has made major breakthroughs in domestic and foreign trade in recent years.

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Avic Power:

(1) The most important domestic aviation engine leading listed enterprises, responsible for the development and manufacturing of important military aircraft engine models in China.

(2) The company established AVIC Precision Casting, carried out its professional integration, and focused on breaking through the key manufacturing technology of domestic aero engine.

(3) One of the main beneficiaries of the engine project.

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Avic Dynamic Control:

(1) Domestic aviation engine power control system leader.

(2) The external assets 614 undertakes the development and production tasks of power control and other mechatronics of important domestic military aircraft, ships, missiles and other models, and has strong profitability.

(3) The company's civil products are involved in the field of natural gas filling integrated control, automotive automatic transmission, stepless drive, distributed new energy, with huge market space, and have entered a period of rapid development in recent years.

(4) The power control system is an important system component of the new engine, and the company is one of the main beneficiaries of the engine special project.

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Hite High-tech:

(1) The company is an important civil military enterprise in China. Its business scope has expanded from traditional aircraft and aero-engine maintenance to the development and production of aero-power control systems, with strong technical core competitiveness. The company's existing maintenance services and the development of control system components have excellent profitability.

(2) The company cooperated with CLP 29 to enter the field of second-generation and third-generation high-end semiconductor integrated circuit chips, which has extremely high strategic value and market space in the field of national defense information security.

There are a total of 9 listed companies in aero engine concept, of which 4 aero engine concept listed companies are traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and 5 aero engine concept listed companies are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The leading stocks of aero-engine concept stocks are most likely to be born from the following stocks: Zongshen Power, aero-development technology, and aero-development control.

There are a total of 9 listed companies in aero engine concept, of which 4 aero engine concept listed companies are traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and 5 aero engine concept listed companies are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The leading stocks of aero-engine concept stocks are most likely to be born from the following stocks: Zongshen Power, aero-development technology, and aero-development control.