芯片打标ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:22 50
The role of laser marking machine:1. Hardware tools, bearings, aluminum parts, sanitary ware faucet marking: metal marking. First hit the company logo and serial number.2. Jewelry...

What is the laser marking machine, what is the role?

The role of laser marking machine:

1. Hardware tools, bearings, aluminum parts, sanitary ware faucet marking: metal marking. First hit the company logo and serial number.

2. Jewelry marking: the primary precious metal, the need for tooling manufacturing is very accurate. It is necessary to have accurate red dot positioning.

3. Keyboard marking: mobile phone transmission keys and computer keyboard marking. Collaborative pipelining is also generally required.

4. Food and pharmaceutical: packaging marking, primary production date and serial number marking, all need collaborative assembly lines. A higher need is to automatically explore the transmission speed through the sensor and adjust the marking speed together.

5. Button marking: mainly in resin, plastic buttons above the company or brand identity, all need arc text typesetting.

6. Denim image marking: the marking format is large, the power needs to be high, and the marking head is necessary to coordinate single-axis movement. 7. Tobacco work pine paper marking: high-speed marking, the first is to wrap the filter on the pine paper to make equal intervals of micro-holes, the size of the hole is the size of the spot.

8. Footwear leather: leather data marking, the first image, sometimes depict together need to hollow out, a single customer needs to add neat volume of information, perhaps play a larger area of leather, marking planning to exceed the marking head processing planning, the need for accurate composition.

lasermarkingmachine (lasermarkingmachine) is a laser beam on the surface of a variety of different substances marked permanently. Marking effect is through the evaporation of the surface material to expose the deep material, so as to carve out a beautiful pattern, trademark and text, laser marking machine is mainly divided into CO2 laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine, fiber laser marking machine and YAG laser marking machine, laser marking machine is mainly used in some requirements of more fine, higher precision occasions. Used in electronic components, integrated circuits (IC), electrical appliances, mobile phone communication, hardware products, tools and accessories, precision instruments, glasses and watches, jewelry, auto parts, plastic keys, building materials, PVC pipes.