1, the bank chip card has an integrated chip, the magnetic strip card does not have an integrated chip, and the magnetic recording medium is used to record information.2, the bank...

Can bank cards with chips and magnetic strips work?

1, the bank chip card has an integrated chip, the magnetic strip card does not have an integrated chip, and the magnetic recording medium is used to record information.

2, the bank chip card capacity is large, can store keys, digital certificates, fingerprints and other information, can handle a variety of functions at the same time, with good security, large storage capacity, easy to use and other characteristics. What are the advantages of IC cards compared with traditional magnetic stripe cards? The shape of the financial IC card is similar to the magnetic stripe card, the difference is the medium of data storage. The magnetic stripe card stores information through the magnetic field changes of the magnetic stripe on the card, while the financial IC card stores data information through the integrated circuit chip embedded in the card. Compared with the traditional magnetic stripe card, the financial IC card has more obvious advantages: 1, with a revolutionary advantage of multi-purpose card. The storage capacity of the financial IC card is hundreds of times that of the traditional magnetic stripe card, and more applications can be implanted, such as social security, public transportation, retail, hospital, self-service ticket sales and so on. Thus, financial IC cards are widely used in various fields of cooperation except banks, and truly realize \"one card with multiple uses and one card line\". 2. Good security and confidentiality. Compared with magnetic stripe cards, financial IC cards have strong attack resistance and are difficult to be copied and forged.

3, \"flash\" fast consumption. Unlike the traditional magnetic stripe card, which can only have one account, the IC card chip can also increase the electronic cash account (that is, the \"electronic wallet\"), the account balance limit of 1000 yuan, which can achieve offline rapid consumption through \"flash payment\". 1. Fundamentally improve the security of bank cards. In the past, the magnetic stripe card technology of banks was simple, and the magnetic stripe information was easy to be copied. The use of magnetic stripe information theft devices to copy the bank card track information, the theft of sensitive cardholder information through electronic channels such as online banking, the theft of cardholder passwords through pinhole cameras on ATM terminals, and the frequent occurrence of forged magnetic strips and misused magnetic card information. Causing huge losses to cardholders and card issuers. Practical experience around the world shows that after the promotion of the use of IC cards, such cases will drop significantly, 2. It is conducive to the business innovation of commercial banks. Compared with the bank magnetic stripe card, the storage space is small and there is no computing power, and the financial IC card has a multi-application loading platform, which can enrich the bank card product series and become an important means of commercial bank business innovation. 3. It meets the urgent needs of the government to manage and serve the people's livelihood. The society is full of all kinds of payment cards, due to the diversity of card issuers, different technical standards, can not be unified network settlement, account funds management confusion, \"one event, one card, more than one card\" is very common, resulting in inconvenience for cardholders to carry and use, precipitated funds in the card free from the financial system, there are many potential risks. After the use of financial IC card, you can take the financial IC card as the leading, gradually reduce and replace a variety of cards in society, achieve a card (universal payment in the country), a card multi-purpose (multiple industries share a card), is a unified standard payment market, strengthen industry management functions, improve government management and service people's livelihood necessary starting point. 4. Financial IC card is a highly integrated tool of modern information technology and financial services, using chip technology and financial industry standards, it can have multiple functions such as bank cards, security cards, management cards, and has the advantages of security, convenience, standard and scalability. After repeated demonstration, the central bank has implemented the strategy of transferring bank cards from magnetic stripe cards to financial IC cards, and the work has shown a good momentum of development. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank and some national joint-stock commercial banks and city commercial banks have begun to issue financial IC cards.

Bank cards come with a chip. He supports flash pay. The magnetic stripe is the use of magnetic carriers to record English and digital information for identification or other purposes.

The chip card has more chips than the magnetic stripe card, and in addition to brushing the magnetic stripe and reading the card information, it must be verified by the chip when making payment.

The chip card also supports e-cash, e-wallet, offline payment, fast payment and other financial fields. It can realize the function of pay with one touch.