无线射频芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 4:02 33
It's already producingOn October 31, 2019, the three major operators announced 5G commercial packages, and officially launched 5G commercial packages on November 1. 2020 is the fir...

When will the RF chip be built in our country?

It's already producing

On October 31, 2019, the three major operators announced 5G commercial packages, and officially launched 5G commercial packages on November 1. 2020 is the first year of 5G in China and the first year of 5G in the world. In the same year, domestic 5G RF PA officially entered the market.

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Domestic 2G PA is nearly ten years later than foreign countries, domestic 3G PA is 6 years later than foreign manufacturers, domestic 4G PA is 5 years later than foreign manufacturers, and domestic 5G PA is almost launched in the same year as foreign manufacturers.

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In 2019, Huizhi Micro was the first to launch the domestic 5G UHB high integration module, and in March 2020, the first OPPO K7x mobile phones equipped with Huizhi Micro 5G PA module were shipped in bulk.

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In 2021, the Sub-3GHz discrete Phase5N PA of Vijet Chuangxin, AnRuiwei and Feixiang Technology will be mass-produced on brand mobile phones one after another.

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Domestic RF chip from performance to reliability


The L-PAMiD chip developed by domestic RF front-end chip design companies Vijet and Anrui Micro has entered the mass production stage, and has passed the verification of a number of brand customers, and is expected to achieve large-scale output in 2023.