Capacitor chip is an essential basic component in electronic circuit, and resistance, inductance known as the three major passive components.According to the working characteristic...

What is a capacitor chip?

Capacitor chip is an essential basic component in electronic circuit, and resistance, inductance known as the three major passive components.

According to the working characteristics, capacitor chips can be divided into active and passive components.

Active devices (also known as active devices, semiconductor devices) refer to electronic components that have an internal power supply when working.

Passive components (also known as passive devices) refer to electronic components that do not have any form of internal power supply when working, and have the characteristics of not consuming electrical energy themselves, or transforming electrical energy into different forms of energy, and only need to input signals without external power supply to work.

The capacitor chip is composed of two conductors close to each other and a non-conductive insulating medium in the middle. It is a kind of energy storage element, and its basic working principle is charging and discharging. In general electronic circuits, the charging and discharging functions of capacitor chips are often used to achieve various circuit conversions.

The charging process is the process in which the capacitor chip stores charge. When the capacitor chip is connected to the DC power supply, the charge on the metal plate connected to the positive electrode of the power supply will run to the metal plate connected to the negative electrode of the power supply under the action of the electric field force, that is, the positive charge and the negative charge are separated to achieve charging.

The discharge process is the process in which the capacitor chip releases the stored charge. When the charged capacitor chip is located in a closed path without power supply, the charge on the negatively charged metal plate will run to the positively charged metal plate under the action of the electric field force, so that the positive and negative charges are neutralized, so as to achieve discharge.

The basic characteristic of the capacitor chip is \"separating DC, connecting AC, connecting high frequency, blocking low frequency\