The English name of the chip is microchip, also known as microcircuit, microchip, integrated circuit, it is actually a general term for semiconductor component products. There are...

The classification and characteristics of the chip?

The English name of the chip is microchip, also known as microcircuit, microchip, integrated circuit, it is actually a general term for semiconductor component products. There are many classifications of chips, which can be divided into analog chips and digital chips according to different processing signals. In simple terms, analog chips use the amplification effect of transistors, while digital analog chips use the switching effect of crystals. Specifically, analog chips are used to generate, amplify, and process a variety of analog signals, including analog-to-digital conversion chips (ADCs), amplifier chips, power management chips, PLLS, and so on. The difficulty of analog chip design is that there are too many non-ideal effects, which requires solid basic knowledge and rich experience, such as small signal analysis, time-frequency domain analysis and so on.

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In contrast, digital chips are used to generate, amplify and process a variety of digital signals, digital chips generally carry out logical operations, cpus, memory chips and DSP chips are digital chips. The difficulty of digital chip design is that the chip scale is large and the process requirements are complex, so it usually requires multi-team collaborative development.

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There are also very common, according to the use of functions to classify, mainly CPU, GPU, FPGA, DSP, ASIC and so on. CPU is the central processing unit, which acts as the computing and control core of the computer system, and is the final execution unit of information processing and program operation. CPU is the core hardware unit that controls and allocates all hardware resources (such as memory, input and output units) of the computer and performs general operations.