芯片是什么ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:56 26
A chip is a small piece of silicon that contains an integrated circuit and is part of a cell phone, computer or other electronic device. If the most important organ of the human bo...

What do you mean chip simple?

A chip is a small piece of silicon that contains an integrated circuit and is part of a cell phone, computer or other electronic device. If the most important organ of the human body is the brain, then the chip is the \"brain\" of the electronic device. The chip industry is the comprehensive embodiment of a country's high-end manufacturing capabilities, and it is the strategic height of the global high-tech national competition. In the information age, chips are the core cornerstone of various industries, such as computers, mobile phones, home appliances, automobiles, high-speed rail, power grids, medical instruments, and robots

Chip: General term for semiconductor component products.

integrated circuit (IC); Or microcircuit (microcircuit), microchip, chip\/chip (chip) in electronics is a way to miniaturize a circuit (mainly including semiconductor devices, but also including passive components, etc.), and is often manufactured on the surface of a semiconductor wafer.

The chip is equivalent to the \"motherboard\" of a computer. It refers to the carrier of the integrated circuit, but also the integrated circuit after design, manufacturing, packaging, testing results. It is usually an independent whole that can be used immediately.