According to my information, yd723 is a power supply IC (Integrated Circuit commonly used in power management and power supply control applications. However, for the specific pin...

yd723 Power chip pin function?

According to my information, yd723 is a power supply IC (Integrated Circuit) commonly used in power management and power supply control applications. However, for the specific pin function of the chip, you need to refer to the data manual or technical specification document of the chip to see. In the data book, information such as the name, location, electrical characteristics, and functional description of each pin will be detailed. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult the relevant materials to understand the pin function of the yd723 chip.

1 leg

Power on the start pin, the internal start circuit is connected to the high voltage OC pin, which is suspended.

2 legs


GND ground terminal


NC empty leg

FB feedback input


NC empty leg

7, 8 feet

Output pin, switch transformer