1, look at the brightness of the LED lamp beads.The brightness of the lamp made by the lamp bead is relatively low, because the quality of the LED lamp bead luminous chip determine...

led light quality difference?

1, look at the brightness of the LED lamp beads.

The brightness of the lamp made by the lamp bead is relatively low, because the quality of the LED lamp bead luminous chip determines the brightness of the LED lamp bead made. Those chips are 1-2 cents a piece of inferior goods, the use of a period of problems, leakage (dead lamp). Genuine chips make things that are characterized by high brightness and stable performance, but the price will be high.

2, look at the quality of FPC board.

FPC board has a double panel and a single panel, needless to say, the double panel is definitely better than a single panel, mainly reflected in the thermal conductivity is much better, the other quality is certainly more stable, the corresponding price is higher.

3, look at the cleanliness of the solder joints and surfaces.

The LED strip produced by the regular LED strip manufacturer is produced by the SMT patch process, using solder paste and reflow welding process. Therefore, the solder joint on the LED lamp is smooth and the amount of solder will not be much, and the solder joint is extended from the FPC pad to the LED electrode in an arc shape.

The solder joint of the shanzhai version of the LED lamp belt is uneven, more than a dot to cover the welding foot, and there will be different degrees of tin tips, which is a typical phenomenon of manual welding. The whole house is made with a chip machine.

In addition, the LED strip produced by the SMT process has a very good surface cleanliness, and you can't see any impurities and stains. If the shanzhai version of the LED lamp belt produced by the hand welding process is used, no matter how the surface is cleaned, there will be traces of stains and cleaning.

4, look at the color temperature difference.

About the color temperature difference, because the lamp bead manufacturers debugging LED chip will be more or less some deviation, the color temperature difference is normal, but the regular LED lamp belt manufacturers produced LED lights in the same batch can not be seen by the naked eye. Inferior manufacturers with the same batch color temperature difference is obvious.

5. Look at the material.

First, it can be seen by the naked eye; Pay attention to the color of each led lamp bead, if there are small black dots on the lamp bead, it is burned.

Secondly, it can also be measured with a multimeter; Before measuring, shift the multimeter gear to diode gear (beep gear), and then contact the metal on both sides of each lamp bead one by one with the multimeter. If the multimeter does not beep when in contact, it means that the lamp bead is bad.