stm32芯片引脚图ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:49 29
Standby mode is the mode with the lowest power consumption. The STM32 exits from standby mode when an external reset (NRST pin , IWDG reset, rising edge on WKUP pin, or RTC alarm e...

stm32 How to wake up in standby mode with alarm clock?

Standby mode is the mode with the lowest power consumption. The STM32 exits from standby mode when an external reset (NRST pin), IWDG reset, rising edge on WKUP pin, or RTC alarm event occurs. The methods of external reset and WKUP are relatively simple. Mainly talk about RTC alarm clock wake up. One of the two programs is to connect one of the pins of the STM32 to a button. When the button is pressed, the STM32 enters a standby state and wakes up the STM32 when the 40-second alarm clock arrives. The other is to enter the standby state when the button is pressed, and the alarm clock is set to 5S seconds, and the alarm clock will wake up the STM32 temporarily.

1, first of all, ensure that the non-sleep state can enter the GPIO interrupt 2, ensure that you are not entering the VDS mode 3, through WFI sleep rather than WFE