5G商用最新进展ichaiyang 2024-05-08 13:40 33
Traditional e-commerce takes commodities and supply chains as the core, while the essence of social e-commerce is to build human-centered transaction logic through social communica...

The application of 5G in the field of e-commerce?

Traditional e-commerce takes commodities and supply chains as the core, while the essence of social e-commerce is to build human-centered transaction logic through social communication, and realize the change and circulation of commodity information in social activities. As 5G accelerates the explosion of commercial and intelligent applications, a decentralized, more high-frequency connection, and more three-dimensional real network world is coming.

5G technology has the technical characteristics of high speed, low delay and wide connection, which will bring more rich and efficient scene interaction experience and provide a new opportunity for the development of social e-commerce.

A consumer \"see is to buy\" era is coming, social e-commerce link the current hot live with goods ecology, activate individual IP, reconstruct retail scene and link, sharing economy will usher in more resources and opportunities, social e-commerce is bound to develop towards the trend of national, promising!