In simple terms, microelectronics is the study of things related to chips. Subareas include microelectronic devices, microelectronic processes, and integrated circuit design, and s...

What does microelectronics do?

In simple terms, microelectronics is the study of things related to chips. Subareas include microelectronic devices, microelectronic processes, and integrated circuit design, and some schools include packaging and testing. Microelectronics research constitute the most basic circuit component. (Non-microelectronics professionals can imagine that we are studying the basic components of circuits such as resistors and capacitors) mainly studying how to reduce the size of circuit components, improve performance, and develop new devices and non-silicon materials. Integrated circuit design is divided into digital circuit and analog circuit. The research is how to build the existing devices into high-performance circuits that meet certain requirements. Microelectronics technology research is how to design a good circuit for processing to become physical. Silicon wafer processing after the bread a layer of plastic shell or belong to the category of packaging research, such as ceramic shell, and to study the performance and the chip design conforms to the degree of indexes. Microelectronics field is still a very active field, can be said to be the foundation of modern information civilization. As for Moore's Law, there may really be no 5nm and below, but personally feel that is not a bad thing.

Microelectronics technology mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills of semiconductor materials, devices, processes, integrated circuit design, etc., and carries out integrated circuit layout design, integrated circuit packaging, testing, etc.

For example: the processing and manufacturing of high-definition video chips used in TV sets, the packaging on printed circuit boards, the application and detection of integrated circuits in automobile anti-theft systems, integrated circuit research and development.