可调稳压芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:25 64
Using the voltage regulator chip LM317 is the easiest way to retrofit.Because the LM317 voltage regulator chip has output adjustable characteristics, it is only necessary to connec...

The easiest way to change from regulated power supply to adjustable power supply?

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Using the voltage regulator chip LM317 is the easiest way to retrofit.

Because the LM317 voltage regulator chip has output adjustable characteristics, it is only necessary to connect it to the power supply circuit and adjust the resistance value according to the need to change the output voltage.

During the modification process, attention should be paid to the connection mode and stability.

If the performance of the adjustable power supply needs to be further optimized, capacitive filter circuit and overvoltage protection circuit can be added.

In addition to the LM317 voltage regulator chip, there are other adjustable power supply chips and modules, according to the actual needs to choose the appropriate solution.