The stock of a company with a good development prospect, a good business model, outstanding growth, strong profitability and a broad moat can obtain rich returns.It is to buy Gree...

What stocks to buy now to make money?

The stock of a company with a good development prospect, a good business model, outstanding growth, strong profitability and a broad moat can obtain rich returns.

It is to buy Gree electric appliances to earn, so later addicted to white horse stock, value speculation can not extricate themselves! These years have also accumulated a lot of methods, today to share with you!

In short, from the perspective of financial indicators, companies with outstanding profitability are mainly reflected in:

Able to maintain a high return on capital for many years,

Return on equity,
Gross margin and net margin,
From these four perspectives, a good company in my eyes must meet the following three criteria:
Return on equity greater than 20% for more than 5 consecutive years;
Gross profit margin of more than 30% for more than 5 consecutive years;
The net interest rate is greater than 10% for more than 5 consecutive years;

Now new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, solar energy, semiconductor chips are very good track, rare earths are also very good, such as minmetals rare earths, TBEA, Tianqi shares, etc., the current price is not high, the main capital is obviously involved, you can focus on it. Personally, as long as you buy the right stock is a bull market, buy the wrong is a bear market, the era of simultaneous rise and fall has gone forever.

In addition, some carbon neutral concept of stocks this year can be long-term tracking, especially carbon neutral related wind power and environmental concepts of the target, such as Yueyang Paper has carbon trading, Mingyang intelligent energy storage leader, Oriental Sunrise photovoltaic leader, etc., I wish you a smooth investment!

Stock this buy may not be able to make money, investment is risky. If you can only do value investment to make money from stocks now, it is long-term investment. Choose a good performance, low market profit low price to buy has been holding. Generally do not meet the black swan performance thunder, take the back of the general can earn.

Now buy stocks must follow the national policy, the national policy to support what industry to buy stocks in what industry, such as now, photovoltaic, new energy vehicles, are supported by policy, you can consider these aspects of the stock.

Stocks have hot spots at each stage, such as the most profitable to buy liquor, medicine and food from last year to the beginning of this year. After the Spring Festival this year is pro-cyclical stocks and chips. Lithium batteries, photovoltaics and new energy vehicle stocks make money. For now, it is still to buy pro-cyclical silicone, phosphorus chemical, rare metals in non-ferrous metals, mining, as well as photovoltaic, lithium battery stocks to make money.

Now I think it is not the best time to participate, the GEM from more than 2000 points to more than 3000 points last year. The head is slowly emerging, and it's time to adjust. It is recommended that everyone wait and see.

There's money to be made in new energy stocks

This does not win the general, if there is no time and energy to look at the plate, the first choice is to buy ETFs, like science and technology 50 is still very promising, relatively low to buy a long-term hold, up more set a good profit point, do not have to look at the plate.

The stock market is impossible to predict, unless really strong professional investors, the average person is difficult to accurately predict which individual stocks will rise in the future, even professional stock investors can not win every victory, let alone bet on a few stocks.

Therefore, if you want to invest, you must not put your eggs in a basket, you can choose a few industries you are optimistic about, buy the head company of these industries, which specific choice is to be carefully studied. Everyone's investment strategy and funds are different, can not copy the homework.

Bank stocks are low and can be bought, and military stocks are also good, and the current country's surrounding environment is complex, and the country's demand for weapons and equipment may drive the rise of related stocks.

Zhaoxin shares, Hengli Petrochemical, noble bird

Buy a strong company, good performance, there is a ticket to make money.

2, if you are not familiar with, you can simulate trading first, familiar with the stock, it is best to follow a day or two, familiar with the operation, you can master a good buying point.

3. Pay attention to the necessary technical analysis, pay attention to the changes in volume and the language of the plate (the situation of the plate trading order).

New energy theme, lithium battery concept

Hot sector leading stocks, but also pay attention to control risks.

Now the market is a national policy market, semiconductors, chips, new energy, rare earth industry, chemical industry, military industry and other sectors are still in the upward trend, and the money-making effect is immediate. You can select stocks from these sectors

Tech stocks, Ningde Times, that sort of thing

Now buy defense stocks, steel stocks, nonferrous metals, and chip stocks

New energy chip plate, photovoltaic, military

Medical and food stocks have developed more in the later stage, the performance is good, and the small cap stocks in the GEM are opportunities

It is best to follow the trend, the EMA should be long aligned, and the macd should be 0 axis.