PN6012 power chip pin parameters are as follows:1 Pin (VCC : The positive pin that powers the chip, with a voltage range of 3.0V to 5.5V.2-pin (GND : The negative pin of the chip...

pn6012 Power chip pin parameters?

PN6012 power chip pin parameters are as follows:

1 Pin (VCC) : The positive pin that powers the chip, with a voltage range of 3.0V to 5.5V.

2-pin (GND) : The negative pin of the chip, which is connected to the system.

3-pin (PWM) : The pulse-width modulation output pin is used to control the on-off and off-off of the external switching tube.

4 pin (SD) : Turn off pin. When this pin is at low power level, the chip will enter the off state.

5-pin (FB) : Feedback pin that detects the output voltage for voltage regulation control.

6-pin (COMP) : The error amplifier output pin is used to compare the feedback voltage to the reference voltage, resulting in an error signal.

7 pin (ISET) : Current limiting pin, used to set the limit of the output current.

8 Pin (NC) : The pin is not connected and does not need to be connected.

The PN6012 is a DC-DC converter power chip with constant current\/constant voltage (CC\/CV) control mode. It has the following pin parameters:

- VIN: Input voltage pin, connected to the power input.

- GND: indicates the ground cable pin that connects the ground cable.

- VCC: connects the power supply voltage to the chip power supply pin.

- EN: Enables pins. The chip is enabled at high level and the chip is disabled at low level.

-FB: Feedback pin used to detect and adjust the output voltage.

- CS: Current detection pin, used to detect and adjust the output current.

-SW: Switch pin, connecting inductors and diodes, used to switch current.

- BOOT: indicates the bootstrap capacitor pin, which connects to the bootstrap capacitor and provides voltage for the high-voltage switch.