The embedded system can control the forward and reverse rotation of the DC motor through PWM (pulse width modulation or GPIO (universal input\/output signals. The following are s...

Embedded how to control the positive and negative rotation of DC motor?

The embedded system can control the forward and reverse rotation of the DC motor through PWM (pulse width modulation) or GPIO (universal input\/output) signals. The following are some possible steps:
1. Control the speed of the motor through a PWM signal: The PWM signal can adjust the voltage at both ends of the DC motor, thereby changing the speed of the motor. In embedded systems, PWM signals can be generated using timers or direct PWM output pins. By changing the duty cycle of the PWM signal, the speed of the motor can be controlled.
2. Control the forward and reverse rotation of the motor by GPIO signal: The embedded system can control the forward and reverse rotation of the motor by setting the level of the GPIO pin. For example, setting the GPIO pin to high causes the motor to spin in one direction, and setting it to low causes the motor to spin in another direction. 3. Add the motor driver chip: In order to protect the embedded system and the motor, it is usually necessary to add the motor driver chip. The motor driver chip can amplify and isolate the signal output of the embedded system to drive the motor. 4. Realize motor control algorithm: embedded system can also realize some motor control algorithms, such as PID (proportional-integral-differential) control, fuzzy control, etc., to achieve more accurate motor control.
In short, through the above steps, the embedded system can realize the positive and negative control of the DC motor. It should be noted that in practical applications, it is also necessary to consider the current, voltage, speed and other parameters of the motor, as well as the stability and reliability of the system.

The forward and reverse rotation of the DC motor is usually achieved by controlling the voltage connected at both ends of the motor. You can use the H-bridge driver to achieve forward and reverse control, by controlling the pin signal of the H-bridge driver, you can make the motor forward and reverse. In addition, PWM signals can also be used to control the speed and direction of the motor, and the positive and negative control of the motor can be achieved by changing the duty cycle and polarity of the PWM signal. In the embedded system, these signals can be programmed to realize the positive and negative rotation of the motor.

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4 PWM How to achieve the motor reverse speed regulation