ULN2004A chip is a kind of integrated circuit chip. ULN2004A is a NPN type transistor array integrated circuit chip with high voltage and high current output. It has a maximum ou...

What type of chip is uln2004a?

ULN2004A chip is a kind of integrated circuit chip.
ULN2004A is a NPN type transistor array integrated circuit chip with high voltage and high current output.
It has a maximum output current of up to 500mA and is suitable for driving various types of loads.
It also has input protection and output short-circuit protection and other characteristics to ensure the reliability and safety of the circuit.
ULN2004A chip is widely used in industrial automation control and motor drive fields, and has a good performance in driving various loads such as stepper motors, DC motors and AC motors. It is also one of the circuit components often used in open source hardware platforms such as Arduino.