充电管理芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:22 22
The Viper12a power management chip has multiple pins, including the Vcc pin, which has a voltage of 12V to 18V; VDD pin, whose voltage is 10V to 26V; GND pin, whose voltage is 0V;...

Power management chip viper12a each pin voltage?

The Viper12a power management chip has multiple pins, including the Vcc pin, which has a voltage of 12V to 18V; VDD pin, whose voltage is 10V to 26V; GND pin, whose voltage is 0V; FB pin, whose voltage is 0.8V to 1.0V; UVLO pins with voltages from 2.5V to 4.4V; CS pin, whose voltage is 0.2V. The voltage ranges of these pins are determined according to the specifications of the Viper12a power management chip, and these voltage ranges need to be strictly adhered to when designing the circuit to ensure that the chip works properly.