充电管理芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:22 18
The simplest and most intuitive method is to measure the input and output voltage values.1, first switch the multimeter function to AC voltage (manual 500V or 750V , to ensure that...

How to judge the power management chip is good or bad?

The simplest and most intuitive method is to measure the input and output voltage values.

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1, first switch the multimeter function to AC voltage (manual 500V or 750V), to ensure that the input voltage is normal;

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2, and then switch the multimeter function switch to the DC voltage (manual switch according to the marked voltage is adjusted to a higher voltage unit), measure the output voltage, and the marked voltage can be considered to be good.

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Second, the power management chip is good or bad judgment method:

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The current power management chip manufacturers on the market are different, how to judge a good power management chip or power IC manufacturers IC chip, is the need for users to make a good judgment. Let's take the motherboard as an example:

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Motherboard power management chip is very important motherboard, we know that a component work to meet this condition, one is voltage, the other is power. The mainboard power management chip is responsible for the voltage of each part of the mainboard chip. Generally, when a bad motherboard is placed in front of us, we can first detect the power management chip of the motherboard to see if the chip has any output voltage.

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1) First of all, after the motherboard power management chip is broken, the CPU will not work, that is, after the motherboard is powered on, the CPU will have no temperature, this time you can use the diode gear of the meter to test the inductor coil and the resistance of the ground if the meter drops after the resistance value rises to prove that the power management chip is good, on the contrary, there is a problem.

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2) Detection of the power management chip, if the peripheral power supply is normal, but the voltage of the power management chip is not normal, you can first check the voltage of the field effect tube G pole, such as paying attention to the resistance value is not the same, basically confirm that the power management chip is problematic.

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Power Management Integrated Circuits (Power Management Integrated Circuits) is a chip that is responsible for the transformation, distribution, detection and other power management duties in an electronic device system. It is mainly responsible for identifying the CPU power supply amplitude, generating the corresponding short moment wave, and promoting the power output of the back-end circuit.

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So the above is about the switching power supply chip detection skills and how to judge the quality of the power management chip introduction, hope to help big