热敏电阻芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 3:20 24
Thermistor can be divided into high sensitivity thermistor and low sensitivity thermistor according to the different sensitivity of temperature change.High sensitivity thermistor:...

The difference between the two types of thermistors?

Thermistor can be divided into high sensitivity thermistor and low sensitivity thermistor according to the different sensitivity of temperature change.

High sensitivity thermistor: also known as mutant thermistor or switching thermistor. In the resistance temperature curve of this sensor, there is a temperature value called the Curie point. When the temperature is lower than the Curie point, the resistance value is relatively stable. Once the temperature rises above the Curie point, the resistance value becomes sharply larger, and the resistance temperature coefficient can be as high as (10% ~ 60%) ℃.

Low sensitivity thermistor: also known as a slow thermistor, its temperature coefficient varies between (0.5%-8%) ° C.

1. PTC (PositiveTemperatureCoeffiCient) is to point to in a certain temperature resistance has increased dramatically, with positive temperature coefficient thermistor phenomenon or material, can be specially used for constant temperature sensor.

2. The NTC (NegativeTemperatureCoeffiCient) refers to the relationship between resistance with the temperature rising exponentially decreasing, the phenomenon has a negative temperature coefficient thermistor and materials.